Headline News


Abbas: Israeli action "brutal aggression"


Source: | 01-05-2009 09:16

Special Report:   Israel airstrikes in Gaza

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has denounced Israel's military offensive on Gaza. Abbas made the remarks - his harshest words yet - after meeting with his cabinet in the West Bank city of Ramallah on Sunday.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas attends a PLO Executive Committee meeting in the West Bank city of Ramallah Sunday, Jan. 4, 2009.(AP Photo/Fadi Arouri, Pool)
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas attends
a PLO Executive Committee meeting in the
West Bank city of Ramallah Sunday, Jan. 4,
2009.(AP Photo/Fadi Arouri, Pool)

On the same day, his top aide repeated his call for an immediate halt to the Israeli operation, citing the worsening humanitarian situation in Gaza.

Mahmoud Abbas, Palestinian President, said, "Our priority now is to stop the attacks on the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, and so we are using our best efforts to make that happen. We are appealing to the UN Security Council on this issue ."

Saeb Erekat, Chief Palestinian Negotiator, said, "Gaza is the most densely populated area on earth, 1.5 (m) million people facing a dire human catastrophe. No running water, no electricity, no medical supplies and I believe the international community should do the decent thing and should shoulder the responsibility by stopping the Israeli attacks."


Editor:Zhang Pengfei