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China hopes for greater progress of Sino-U.S. relations

Source: Xinhua | 01-08-2009 08:33

Special Report:   30 years of China-US ties

China on Wednesday said it hoped to achieve even greater progress in Sino-U.S. relations in the next 30 years.

Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi (R) meets with visiting U.S. Deputy Secretary of State John D. Negroponte in Beijing, China, Jan. 7, 2009. China on Wednesday said it hoped to achieve even greater progress in Sino-U.S. relations in the next 30 years. (Xinhua/Pang Xinglei)
Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi (R) meets with visiting 
U.S. Deputy Secretary of State John D. Negroponte in Beijing, 
China, Jan. 7, 2009. China on Wednesday said it hoped to 
achieve even greater progress in Sino-U.S. relations in 
the next 30 years. (Xinhua/Pang Xinglei)

Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi made the remarks while welcoming visiting U.S. Deputy Secretary of State John D. Negroponte, who came to mark the 30th anniversary of the establishment of Sino-U.S. diplomatic relations.

"Sino-U.S. relations, although they have experienced twists and turns in the past 30 years, on the whole have moved forward," Yang said.

Bilateral ties witnessed smooth and fruitful growth especially in the past eight years. This hard-won progress should be cherished by both sides, he noted

The sound and stable development of Sino-U.S. relations not only accorded with the fundamental interests of the two nations and the two peoples, but also helped world peace, stability and development, he noted.

China is ready to work with the United States to firmly grasp the general direction of bilateral constructive cooperation, increase dialogue and deepen mutual understanding and trust.

Echoing Yang, Negroponte said the relationship with China had achieved progress "enormously", and reached a level that "could not have been imagined 30 years ago".