Headline News


Over 100 Mumbai suspects arrested in Pakistan


Source: | 01-16-2009 10:55

Special Report:   Terror attacks in Mumbai

Pakistan has arrested more than 100 people in a crackdown on groups allegedly linked to the Mumbai attacks.

Interior Ministry chief, Rehman Malik, confirmed that 124 people have been arrested. But he added that information provided by India still needs work before it can be used as evidence in court.

Pakistan Interior ministry chief Rehman Malik (left). Pakistan on Thursday reaffirmed its commitment to root out extremists on its soil, saying it had so far arrested 124 people in a crackdown on banned groups in the wake of the Mumbai attacks. (AFP/HO/PID/File)
Pakistan Interior ministry chief Rehman Malik (left). 
Pakistan on Thursday reaffirmed its commitment to root
out extremists on its soil, saying it had so far arrested
124 people in a crackdown on banned groups in the wake of
the Mumbai attacks. (AFP/HO/PID/File)

India alleges that a Pakistan-based militant group masterminded the November attacks.

Earlier, the UN Security Council declared that a charity in Pakistan called Jamaat-ud-Dawa was merely a front for the banned organization.

Malik said that authorities have since taken steps against offices, schools, libraries and a handful of other organizations and websites linked to the charity.

He also repeated Pakistani calls for a joint investigation into the attacks.


Editor:Zhang Pengfei