China says nuke weapons not targeting any country in peacetime
Source: Xinhua | 01-20-2009 10:43
BEIJING, Jan. 20 (Xinhua) -- China, for the first time in history, revealed in detail of its longstanding policy of "no first use of nuclear weapons" Tuesday, promising that its nuclear missile weapons are "not aimed at any country" in peacetime.
In a white paper on national defense released by the Information Office of the State Council Tuesday, China reaffirms its will to implement "a self-defensive nuclear strategy".
"In peacetime, the nuclear missile weapons of the Second Artillery Force are not aimed at any country," the white paper says.
"But if China comes under a nuclear threat, the nuclear missile force of the Second Artillery Force will go into a state of alert, and get ready for a nuclear counterattack to deter the enemy from using nuclear weapons against China," the white paper says.
The Second Artillery Force is China's core force of strategic deterrence. Under the direct command of the Central Military Commission, the nuclear armed force is aimed to deter nuclear strike from other countries and to conduct nuclear counterattacks and precision strikes with conventional missiles.
It was the first time that China's national defense white paper dedicates a whole chapter to the Second Artillery Force.
Since its establishment several decades ago, the Second Artillery Force has developed a weaponry and equipment system consisting of both nuclear and conventional missiles. The missile arsenal includes both solid-fueled and liquid-fueled missiles of different ranges, capable of carrying various types of warheads.
According to the white paper, the nuclear missile force of the Second Artillery Force will use nuclear missiles to "launch a resolute counterattack against the enemy" in case of a nuclear attack. It can perform nuclear attack either independently or together with the nuclear forces of other services, the white paper says.
The conventional missile force of the Second Artillery Force is commissioned to conduct medium- and long-range precision strikes against key strategic and operational targets, according to the white paper.
The white paper also outlines the goals of building up China's strategic deterrence force. It says the Second Artillery Force will follow the principles of building "a lean and effective force" and adapting to trend in the evolution of military science and technology.
"The Second Artillery Force strives to raise the informatization level of its weaponry and equipment, ensures their safety and reliability and enhance its capabilities in protection, rapid reaction, penetration, damage and precision strike," the white paper says.
Editor:Zhang Ning