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CCTV correspondent witnesses Obama´s inauguration


Source: | 01-21-2009 10:34

Special Report:   Inauguration of Barack Obama

Joining us now is our CCTV correspondent in Washington, Zhu Hua, who witnessed Obama's inauguration.

Q1. What's going on in DC now? Any more inaugural celebration activities?

Q2. How is the day going so far? Has everything gone smoothly?

CCTV correspondent in Washington, Zhu Hua, who witnessed Obama's inauguration.(
CCTV correspondent in Washington, Zhu Hua, who witnessed
Obama's inauguration.(

Q1: It's 7:15 pm ET in DC. The evening celebrations just started. Tonight, ten inaugural balls are being held in Washington, and the President and the First Lady will dance at all the ten balls.

In keeping with his commitment to make this inaugural celebration open and accessible to all Americans, Obama will host the "Neighborhood Inaugural Ball". With tickets available free or at low-dollar amount, it's the first inaugural ball of its kind to be held during a presidential inauguration.

The ball features a robust interactive component, including webcasting and text messaging, to link neighborhoods across the country with the new president at this premier event.

Another ball worth mentioning is the Young Ball, intended for young people aged 18 to 35 and to celebrate the role young Americans can play to serve their communities.

Other balls include two Home States Balls, celebrating Obama's home stats of Hawaii and Illinois, and Biden's home state of Pennsylvania and Delware.