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CCTV correspondent updates Obama inauguration


Source: | 01-21-2009 13:35

Special Report:   Inauguration of Barack Obama

We now cross live to our correspondent in Washington, Zhu Hua. She's been following all the latest developments.

1)Security was tight for the inauguration activities- tell us, did everything go smoothly?

Zhu Hua. has been following all the latest developments.(
Zhu Hua has been following all the latest developments.

2)About a million people were estimated attending the inauguration from the National Mall, with millions of others watching the parade. What was the public reaction to his inauguration?

3)Assessing a new U.S. president's first 100 days in office has become an American media tradition, that

historians trace to the start of Democrat Franklin Roosevelt's tenure in 1933, during the Great Depression. Some analysts say Obama faces such a challenge during this financial crisis. Is there any indication of the direction of his economic measures?

4)Obama also faces a lot of foreign policy issues. What will be his attitude towards many international issues - will it be different to the Bush administration?


Editor:Zhang Pengfei