Headline News


30 killed in AU clash in Somalia


Source: | 02-03-2009 09:53

African Union peacekeepers in the Somali capital Mogadishu are being accused of opening fire on a civilian minibus after a roadside bomb exploded near one of the troops' vehicles.

African Union (AU) peacekeeping forces patrol a street of Mogadishu, 2007.  (AFP/File/Jose Cendon)
African Union (AU) peacekeeping forces patrol a street
of Mogadishu, 2007.  (AFP/File/Jose Cendon)

It's still unclear exactly how many casualties there were, but the deputy mayor of Mogadishu says 30 people were killed and many more wounded, A spokesman for the AU mission denied its forces were responsible for the killing of civilians.

He said AU forces came under intense fire after the roadside bomb attack, and they responded.

The spokesman said there were no more than four civilian deaths from the minibus.


Editor:Zhang Pengfei