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S. Korean President: Seoul ready for dialogue with DPRK


Source: | 02-10-2009 08:32

South Korean President, Lee Myung-bak, said his government is ready to hold a dialogue with the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. But he stresses he will stick to his hard-line policy towards Pyongyang. Lee has also designated a US-educated diplomat as the country's top official on inter-Korea relations.

South Korea's Unification Minister designate Hyun In-taek answers a lawmaker's question during a parliamentary confirmation hearing for Hyun at the National Assembly in Seoul February 9, 2009.REUTERS/Jo Yong-Hak (SOUTH KOREA)
South Korea's Unification Minister designate Hyun In-taek 
answers a lawmaker's question during a parliamentary 
confirmation hearing for Hyun at the National Assembly 
in Seoul February 9, 2009.

On Monday, President Lee Myung-bak appointed Hyun In-taek as the new Minister of Unification, the country's top job on handling relations with the DPRK. After his swearing-in, Huyn pledged to resolve strained ties with the DPRK And he said a sincere dialogue is the key to solving problems.

Lee Myung-bak later addressed the public himself, in a bi-weekly radio address. And his remarks put a halt to the accumulating confrontations with the DPRK in recent weeks.

Lee Myung-bak said, " My fellow citizens, the government is ready to sit down and talk with North Korea anytime to address all the problems."

But engaging with Pyongyang doesn't mean softening his hard-line policies.

Lee Myung-bak also said, "I believe what is particularly important in South-North ties is unwavering, unequivocal principles."

Unequivocal principles of getting tough with the DPRK have marked Lee Myung-bak's presidency since he assumed office last February.

Tensions between the two countries have intensified, and culminated in recent weeks with the DPRK announcing it had scrapped all political and military agreements with South Korea.


Editor:Du Xiaodan