Headline News


Mideast reacts to Israel elections


Source: | 02-12-2009 09:28

The results of Israel's parliamentary elections are still inconclusive, with both Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni and hard-line Likud leader, Benjamin Netanyahu, claiming victory.

Arab League chief Amr Mussa has acknowledged "chaos" in the ranks over the Gaza crisis as foreign ministers gathered in Kuwait for a meeting overshadowed by an unofficial summit in Qatar.(AFP/Yasser al-Zayyat)
Arab League chief Amr Mussa has acknowledged "chaos"
in the ranks over the Gaza crisis as foreign ministers
gathered in Kuwait for a meeting overshadowed by an 
unofficial summit in Qatar.(AFP/Yasser al-Zayyat)

With no clear winner, weeks of coalition negotiations could follow.

Meanwhile analysts, officials, and residents in Lebanon, Egypt and Iran have responded to the election.

Most people in the Middle East say the Israeli elections have set back the already slim chances for peace in the region. Speaking in the Egyptian capital Cairo, the head of the Arab League, Amr Moussa, said that Israeli internal politics were entering a phase of uncertainty.

Amr Moussa, head of the Arab League, said, "The important thing that I would call for, if all parties on the right as on the left or center would reiterate their position vis a vis the peace in the Middle East and their relation with the region and the Arab world."