Headline News


S.Korea warns DPRK against missile test plan


Source: | 02-13-2009 09:36

The Republic of Korea has warned the Democratic People's Republic of Korea against test-launching a long-range missile.

The ROK's foreign minister Yu Myung-hwan says such an action would threaten regional stability and trigger punitive measures.

The ROK's foreign minister Yu Myung-hwan says such an action would threaten regional stability and trigger punitive measures.(
The ROK's foreign minister Yu Myung-hwan says such an
action would threaten regional stability and trigger
punitive measures. (

The Republic of Korean and Japanese media have reported since last week that the DPRK is moving a suspected long-range missile, capable of reaching the western United States, to a launch pad.

The reports came days after Pyongyang declared it would scrap peace accords with Seoul and warned of a war on the divided peninsula.

Yu Myung-hwan, S. Korean Foreign Minister, said, "If the DPRK pushes ahead with a test missile launch, this will be an act that seriously threatens stability on the Korean peninsula and in Northeast Asia, as well as South-North ties."

Yu said he could not provide details of the DPRK's alleged plan to test a missile because it involved military intelligence.

The minister said such a test launch would isolate the DPRK and trigger punitive measures.

Yu said considering the various sanctions the DPRK would suffer if it fired a missile, it is never going to benefit the DPRK.

Meanwhile, the ROK's new Unification Minister Hyun In-taek said he is willing to meet DPRK officials at any time, at any place to resolve strained ties.