Headline News


Iran confirms to launch its first nuclear power plant


Source: | 02-24-2009 10:18

The Iranian Foreign Ministry has confirmed the country will launch the pilot operation of its first nuclear power plant in the southern city of Bushehr on Wednesday.

Iran's Foreign Ministry spokesman Hassan Qashqavi speaks to journalists during a news conference in Tehran February 23, 2009.REUTERS/Raheb Homavandi
Iran's Foreign Ministry spokesman Hassan Qashqavi speaks
to journalists during a news conference in Tehran
February 23, 2009.REUTERS/Raheb Homavandi

The spokesman, Hassan Qashqavi, says the plant will operate for civilian purposes.

Hassan Qashqavi, Spokesman of Iranian Foreign Ministry, said, "Our nuclear activities are ongoing within the framework of our holistic and comprehensive peaceful nuclear program. And as I previously said, our entire activities are under the control and surveillance of the International Atomic Energy Agency and are within the framework of Non-Proliferation Treaty and safeguards."


Editor:Zhang Pengfei