Headline News


Iran´s 1st neclear plant undergoes test-run


Source: | 02-26-2009 10:05

Iranian and Russian officials have conducted a test run of Iran's first nuclear power plant. The move is a major step toward launching full operations at the facility.

Head of Iran's Atomic Energy Organisation Gholam Reza Aghazadeh (R) and Russia's atomic energy head Sergei Kiriyenko (L) attend a meeting with their delegations at the Bushehr nuclear power plant.(AFP/Behrouz Mehri)
Head of Iran's Atomic Energy Organisation Gholam Reza
Aghazadeh (R) and Russia's atomic energy head Sergei
Kiriyenko (L) attend a meeting with their delegations
at the Bushehr nuclear power plant.(AFP/Behrouz Mehri)

Iran has also announced that the number of centrifuges carrying out uranium enrichment has increased to 6,000, up from 5,000 in November.

Wednesday's tests at the southern Iranian port of Bushehr were a computer run of the equipment. They were to ensure there would be no malfunctions in the future when enriched uranium fuel was introduced into the reactor.

In the first stage of the test, technicians loaded a "virtual fuel" into the reactor.

The material consists of lead, which imitates the density of enriched uranium.

Iran denies it is seeking to build a nuclear bomb, insisting its nuclear programme is aimed only at generating electricity.