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German media give full coverage to Chinese premier´s report at parliament session

Source: Xinhua | 03-06-2009 15:52

Special Report:   2009 NPC & CPPCC Sessions

BERLIN, March 6 (Xinhua) -- The German media have given extensive coverage to Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao's government work report at the opening of the annual parliament session on Thursday.

German daily, Die Welt, quoted Wen as saying that the goal to achieve 8 percent growth seems to be "achievable."

Wen warned the Chinese people against the misconception that the crisis is already over and China has already seen the light at the end of the tunnel, said the online version of the report.

Wen did not offer any new stimulus plan anticipated by some media, but explained how Beijing wants to realize its goals through such measures as the 4-trillion-yuan (585 billion U.S. dollars) stimulus package announced last November, said the report.

The German daily also noted that Wen won massive applause for his "courageous call" to build stronger and more solid school buildings after the devastating Sichuan earthquake last May.

The premier also listed the most daunting problems the government is trying to solve, such as environmental pollution and income gap, it said.

Germany's Frankfurter Rundschau reported that the government will highlight the investment in infrastructure construction which should help create jobs and keep the Chinese economy growing.

The premier pledged strict control and oversight on nepotism which is "still a serious problem" in some regions, the German daily reported.

The report also noted the government slashed spending on official travel and reception. This year's NPC delegates have a daily allowance of only 100 yuan (14.7 U.S. dollars), the report said.

According to Swiss Daily Neue Zuercher Zeitung (Nzz), Wen admitted that the global financial crisis could pose greater challenges to China, for instance in social security and health care. The paper also noted that Wen appealed for confidence, because the government has the instruments to cope with the crisis.

Wen delivered a report on the work of his cabinet at the opening meeting of the annual full session of the National People's Congress (NPC), China's top legislature on Thursday.

Wen's Report on the Work of the Government included a set of plans and polices of the Chinese government to cope with the tough economic situation and stimulate China's economy.


Editor:Zhang Ning