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Chinese leaders exchange ideas with NPC deputies and CPPCC members


Source: | 03-08-2009 13:53

Special Report:   2009 NPC & CPPCC Sessions

The annual session of the National People's Congress, or NPC, wrapped up its third day on Saturday. It was also the fifth day of the annual session of the political advisory body -- the CPPCC. Senior Party leaders are continuing to join group discussions with NPC deputies and CPPCC members from across the nation.

These female NPC deputies from Guangdong province received special greetings from president Hu Jintao.

Chinese President Hu Jintao said: "Tomorrow is International Women's Day. On behalf of the CPC central committee, I would like to send greetings to female deputies on your holiday. I wish you all good health, a successful career and a happy family."

President Hu Jintao also attended their group discussion on Saturday.

After hearing reports from eight deputies, Hu Jintao urged people to have the confidence to brave the financial crisis. And he also encouraged them to take opportunities to change the economic development pattern and upgrade industrial structure. Hu Jintao said the stimulus package should be implemented in a creative way at local level to ensure social stability and economic growth.

Also at the NPC group discussions, top legislator Wu Bangguo talked with deputies from Shandong province about the income of farmers and regional development. He encouraged the province to expand market demand... and strengthen enterprises' competitiveness and capacity to deal with risks.

During discussionw with the Hubei delegation, Premier Wen Jiabao told NPC deputies that the economy is still the top priority for the government work at various levels. But he stressed that economic development should keep pace with improving people's lives.