Headline News


U.S. president to meet Chinese FM: White House

Source: Xinhua | 03-12-2009 08:10

WASHINGTON, March 11 (Xinhua) -- U.S. President Barack Obama is to meet visiting Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi at the White House on Thursday to discuss issues of mutual concern, the White House said on Wednesday.

"The president looks forward to discussing issues of mutual concern with the Chinese foreign minister," said White House spokesman Robert Gibbs at a regular news briefing.

The spokesman added that Yang, who is here on a five-day working visit as guest of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, would first meet National Security Advisor James Jones before meeting President Obama.

Earlier on Wednesday, Foreign Minister Yang held talks with Secretary Clinton in the State Department to exchange views on bilateral relations and other issues of mutual concern.

In a photo opportunity prior to the meeting, Secretary Clinton expressed her satisfaction at her visit to China last month, adding that it is "very positive" for Yang to come so soon to the United States to continue their discussions.

Yang, for his part, also said he was glad that the foreign ministers of the two countries could have an exchange of visits within one month.

"We are here to get prepared for our two heads of state's meeting in London and to work together to push our relations forward," Yang noted.

The minister is referring to the Group of 20 (G20) summit scheduled to be held in London in early April, when world leaders will meet to discuss how to tackle the current world financial crisis and economic downturn.


Editor:Liu Anqi