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NPC deputies holds different views over consumer coupons


Source: | 03-12-2009 09:30

Special Report:   2009 NPC & CPPCC Sessions

Cities across China have been issuing consumer coupons which people can use for shopping, to go to restaurants and even to buy cars and homes. But are consumer coupons an effective way to boost consumption and fuel the economy? NPC deputies have been voicing their opinions.

Cities across China have been issuing consumer coupons which people can use for shopping, to go to restaurants and even to buy cars and homes. 
Cities across China have been issuing consumer coupons 
which people can use for shopping, to go to restaurants 
and even to buy cars and homes.

Zhejiang province will issue another 600 million yuan worth of coupons,in addition to the 100 million yuan in coupons issued in January. Some see it as a good way to boost the local economy.

NPC deputy Chen Tiexiong said, "Take travelling coupon for example, it's not only about people taking trips. It also boosts industries related to the tourism sector. But they must be used within a specific period."

Some deputies think that in order to fuel the economy, it is more effective to issue consumer vouchers than to simply give cash. This because Chinese people tend to put cash in their savings account.

NPC deputy Dai Zhongchuan said, "In light of this year's economic situation, I think issuing consumer vouchers will benefit ordinary Chinese, especially low and middle income families."