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Chinese FM, U.S. Secretary agree a prosperous Sino-US relationship

Source: | 03-12-2009 17:09

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Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi has met US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in Washington. They exchanged views on bilateral relations and other issues of mutual concern, and agreed a prosperous Sino-US relationship is key to the development of both countries.

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During the meeting with Hillary Clinton, Yang Jiechi also re-affirmed the Chinese government's principle and stance on the Tibet issue. He said China firmly opposes the the resolution on Tibet adopted by the US House of Representatives on Wednesday, calling it gross interference in China's internal affairs.  More Detail>>



Commentary: U.S. bill on Tibet confuses facts

BEIJING, March 12 (Xinhua) -- The U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday passed a resolution on Tibet that is not only a gross interference in China's domestic affairs but also confuses the facts of the issue. Full story>>

China lodges solemn representation over U.S. Tibet resolution

BEIJING, March 12 (Xinhua) -- China on Thursday lodged a solemn representation over the U.S. Congress' approval of a Tibet resolution on Wednesday. Full story>>

U.S. interferes in China´s internal affairs with Tibet resolution

WASHINGTON, March 11 (Xinhua) -- The U.S. House of Representatives on Wednesday adopted a resolution on Tibet in gross interference in China's internal affairs. Full story>>



China, U.S. agree to ensure positive results at London summit

China and the United States on Wednesday coordinated their positions ahead of the Group of 20 (G20) summit in London in early April.  Full story>>

Yang urges U.S. to stop meddling in China´s internal affairs

During his talks with U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Yang reaffirmed the principled position of the Chinese government on Tibet-related issues, expressing the Chinese side's resolute opposition and strong indignation over some recent statements made by the U.S. administration and over the adoption on Wednesday by the U.S. House of Representatives of a resolution on Tibet introduced by a handful of anti-China U.S. congressmen.  Full story>>

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (R) shakes hands with visiting Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi in Washington, U.S., March 11, 2009. Yang Jiechi and Hillary Clinton held formal talks here on Wednesday to exchange views on bilateral relations and other issues of mutual concern.(Xinhua/Zhang Yan)
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (R) shakes hands 
with visiting Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi in 
Washington, U.S., March 11, 2009. Yang Jiechi and Hillary 
Clinton held formal talks here on Wednesday to exchange 
views on bilateral relations and other issues of mutual 
concern.(Xinhua/Zhang Yan)

U.S. president to meet Chinese FM: White House

WASHINGTON, March 11 (Xinhua) -- U.S. President Barack Obama is to meet visiting Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi at the White House on Thursday to discuss issues of mutual concern, the White House said on Wednesday. Full story>>

China, U.S. agree to further promote six-party talks

Minister Yang, who is here on a five-day working visit as guest of Secretary Clinton, hoped that all parties concerned maintain calm and restraint, making joint efforts to promote the process of six-party talks and safeguard peace and stability on the peninsula.  Full story>>