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Chinese FM lays out strategic foundations for China-U.S. ties

Source: Xinhua | 03-13-2009 08:57

WASHINGTON, March 12 (Xinhua) -- Visiting Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi on Thursday laid out the strategic foundations for China and the United States for further bilateral relationship for the 21st century.

Addressing a luncheon meeting at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), the Chinese minister first reflected the remarkable achievements made in China-U.S. relations since the two countries established diplomatic ties 30 years ago.

"A review of the past gives me a lot of food for thought. The tremendous progress of China-U.S. relations goes well beyond what those who were most optimistic about this relationship 30 years ago have ever expected," he said at the think tank in downtown Washington D.C..

"People want to know, in the 21st century when mankind faces major opportunities and challenges, what is the strategic foundation of China-U.S. relations. This is a question that I often ask myself too," he said.

First, the minister believed, the strategic foundation of China-U.S. relations lies in their major and unique responsibility of maintaining world peace and stability.