Headline News


Obama defends investment plan in energy research


Source: | 03-20-2009 11:08

Special Report:   Global Financial Crisis

U.S. President Barack Obama has defended his goal of pumping billions of dollars into energy research.

During a visit to an electric car plant in California on Thursday, Obama said the investment will create the kinds of jobs and technology the US needs to survive economically.

US President Barack Obama speaks following a tour of the Edison Electric Vehicle Technical Center in Pomona, California.(AFP/Mandel Ngan)
US President Barack Obama speaks following a tour of
the Edison Electric Vehicle Technical Center in Pomona,
California.(AFP/Mandel Ngan)

Analysts say Obama's economic message has the double aim of touting his 787 billion dollar economic stimulus plan and building support for his 3.6 trillion dollar budget plan.

Both plans place an emphasis on so-called green enterprises.

Barack Obama, U.S. President, said, "Even as our American automakers are undergoing some painful adjustments, they are also retooling and re-imagining themselves into an industry that can compete and win. And millions of jobs depend on it. So, this is the critical work you're doing. But it's just one component of what must be a comprehensive energy plan."


Editor:Zhang Pengfei