Headline News


Merkel urges new strategic concept to improve Afghanistan security


Source: | 03-29-2009 13:49

German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, says a new strategic concept should be worked out at the upcoming NATO summit to improve the situation in Afghanistan.

German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, says a new strategic concept should be worked out at the upcoming NATO summit to improve the situation in Afghanistan.
German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, says a new strategic 
concept should be worked out at the upcoming NATO summit 
to improve the situation in Afghanistan.

Merkel says she will announce the German government's plan at the summit. The plan seeks to promote networked security to disrupt and defeat al-Qaida and its allies who have made a comeback since the fall of the Taliban in Afghanistan in 2001. She added that NATO must work with other international organizations to coordinate a common approach.

Merkel also says that she will discuss the issue with US President Barack Obama at the summit. 28 heads of state are due to attend the summit marking the alliance's 60th anniversary. The summit will be held jointly in Strasbourg in eastern France and in the German cities of Kehl and Baden-Baden.


Editor:Xiong Qu