Headline News


Raffarin welcomes decision to hold high-level contacts with China

Source: Xinhua | 04-02-2009 18:04

PARIS, April 1 (Xinhua) -- Former French Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin said Wednesday he welcomed the decision to hold high-level contacts and strategic dialogue between France and China.

Raffarin's statement came after the two countries' foreign ministries issued a press communiqué in which France reaffirmed its refusal to support for any form of "Tibet independence."

In the communiqué, the two sides also announced plans to conduct high-level contacts and strategic dialogue to enhance bilateral cooperation in various fields and promote the harmonious and steady development of China-France relations.

Raffarin said he was delighted at the "good news."

It was necessary, Raffarin said, to clarify Sino-French ties before the London G20 summit and the move would help the two sides revive their friendship on the basis of mutual respect and trust.

Raffarin also said that he will go to China on April 8 to attend an economic forum to do his part for improving Sino-French relations.

Also Wednesday, Bernard Accoyer, president of the National Assembly, said that he will visit China on April 18-25.


Editor:Zhang Ning