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FM: Hu´s proposals play important, constructive role at G20 summit

Source: Xinhua | 04-04-2009 08:23

Special Report:   G20 Summit in London

LONDON, April 3 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Hu Jintao made concrete proposals on tackling the global financial crisis at the G20 London summit, playing an important and constructive role for the summit to gain pragmatic results, the Chinese foreign minister said on Friday.

Chinese President Hu Jintao attends the Group of 20 summit in London, Britain, April 2, 2009. (Xinhua Photo)
Chinese President Hu Jintao attends the Group 
of 20 summit in London, Britain, April 2, 2009. 
(Xinhua Photo)

"The summit produced measures of high value in fighting the financial crisis and built up confidence for the world to tide over the crisis and renew economic growth," Yang Jiechi said, adding that Hu's proposals contributed to the result.

The international community held high expectations, especially on influential emerging economies such as China, and President Hu's attendance caught much attention, Yang said.