Headline News


Pirates seize more ships


Source: | 04-15-2009 13:58

Somali pirates have brazenly hijacked at least four more ships in the last two days. At least 60 crew members involved in these seizures are now under the control of the pirates. Meanwhile, pirates are threatening to take revenge on the United States and France for recent hostage operations that left pirates dead.

Suspected pirates hold up thir hands in the Gulf of Aden in February. Somali pirates seized two more ships, brushing off their losses from deadly rescue operations and throwing down the gauntlet to US President Barack Obama after he pledged to curb piracy.(AFP/US Navy/File/Jason R. Zalasky)
Suspected pirates hold up thir hands in the Gulf of Aden
in February. Somali pirates seized two more ships, 
brushing off their losses from deadly rescue operations 
and throwing down the gauntlet to US President Barack 
Obama after he pledged to curb piracy.
(AFP/US Navy/File/Jason R. Zalasky)

NATO says pirates using speedboats captured a Togo-flagged MV Sea Horse off the Somali coast on Tuesday. Earlier, pirates hijacked a Greek-flagged tanker with 22 crew members on board.

Meanwhile, a US source says pirates also attacked a US-flagged merchant ship on the same day, but were prevented from boarding the vessel. That failed hijacking attempt came after pirates seized two Egyptian fishing boats in the Gulf of Aden off Somalia's northern coast. Scores of Egyptians were onboard the fishing boats.

The pirates are vowing to kill captured American and French hostages, in revenge for recent deadly rescue operations staged by Washington and Paris.

New concerns have been raised after Sunday's US military action to rescue an American hostage. Analysts fear the deadly use of force may worsen the situation in the world's most dangerous waters. Meanwhile, the Somali prime minister says his government will root-out land-bases used by pirates try to help curb piracy.


Editor:Zhang Yun