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Lanterns and lights add spark to festive spirit
   CCTV.COM   2003-01-29 10:01:10   
    Western holidays such as Christmas and Halloween may be becoming more popular with young people in China, but the magic of the traditional Chinese Spring Festival has not lost any of its appeal. Family reunions, dragon dancing and colored light displays are still the most essential festive elements.

    In East China's Zhejiang province, the city of Wenzhou is awash with festive spirit. Two thousand and three red lanterns have been raised along the city's main pedestrian walkway to symbolize prosperity in the coming year.

    Various kinds of Spring Festival posters are on display in Wenzhou's many department stores and shops, serving as constant reminders of the traditional festival.

    In Rui'an, another city in the province, new house-owners are seizing every opportunity to inject a festive mood into their home decorations. Couplets, little red lanterns and other ornaments are their favorite choices.

    In Xinxiang in Henan province, this colored lantern show is proving a big hit with the villagers. China's favorite symbol, the dragon, is the source of inspiration: flying, twisting and playing its way into their hearts.

    In Chongqing, local women are taking over from the men in martial arts shows, along the streets and roads of China's largest municipality.

    In Changsha, the capital of Hunan province, people dressed in sumptuous costumes are cranking up the festive mood with their melodious songs and vigorous dancing beats.

Editor: Han Ling

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