Catch the Words
In 1850, a young Berliner on the Grand Tour of Europe all eyes and ears sketched and took notes on the many and varied impressions gained on his travels.
17-year-old Gustav Langenscheidt, the scion of a solid middle-class family, recorded everything in his diary -- his fascination with foreign customs and practices as well as his great disappointment.
"It is a truly mortifying feeling," he said, "not to be able to mix with people and exchange ideas."
It was this painful experience of speaking no language but German that led to the founding of a family dynasty as well as a successful German company -- the birth of a brand name that stands for dictionaries and language textbooks in many countries throughout the wor1d -- Langenscheidt.
So how does a word get into a dictionary? To find this out, we spent some time with a man jokingly dubbed a "wordcatcher" by his colleagues. Lexicographer Wolfgang Worsch produces dictionaries for Langenscheidt.
We lexicographers have a third eye and a third ear. That's to say we're very sensitive to changes in our immediate linguistic environment, including the family, television and things we hear in trains and on the subway.
You remember certain peculiarities and somehow retain them.
As a lexicographer, you can never switch off. You're a lexicographer, which means you've got this third ear and third eye l already mentioned. I believe you take in the linguistic reality that surrounds you with greater awareness than people who aren't involved in lexicography.
Every year, around 5,000 new words and phrases crop up in the German language, but only 500 remain in use for any length of time. It's Worsch's job to track them down.
There's an element of criminology involved in working on dictionaries, in the sense that you may not be hunting criminals, but you do hunt down words. Language is a dynamic entity. In a sense it's alive, and it fights tooth and nail against being forced into a straitjacket. Of course, any dictionary, especially a small one, provides only a very limited representation of the language.
Langenscheidt's headquarters is in Munich. Almost 150 years after Gustav Langenscheidt's distressing experience of speechlessness, the company's work focuses on how to deal with newly coined words and phrases. The lexicographers meet regularly to discuss these "neologisms". If all these words were included in the dictionaries, they'd soon run out of space.
The next term is "Nasenpflaster". It's a nose plaster used by sportsmen and women to help them breathe better. It's something new. I'm told you can find it at any chemist's these days.
But what l saw wasn't for sportsmen. It was used for snoring.
I called a friend in Birmingham, a lecturer and football fan. He phoned the physiotherapy department at Aston Villa, a professional soccer club in Birmingham, and the physiotherapists told him that in England, they call it a "3M" -- the brand name of "breathe right nasal strip".
"3M breathe right nasal strip" -- nobody would say that. We can forget that.
That's what the physiotherapists said it was called.
That's officialese. Nobody would use that in everyday speech. I'm sure people in England call it a nose plaster or something similar.
That's all you're worried about. I don't think I need to include it in my German-Chinese dictionary. I hardly think nose plasters will be much of an issue in China.
Dictionaries need to be kept up to date so the users aren't disappointed. But lexicographers are deeply suspicious of buzzwords. That's why questionable candidates like "Nasenpflaster" or the political term "Sparpaket" (austerity package) are put on hold.
So if I understand you correctly, we're not putting the word "Nasenpflaster" on our to "be processed" list, but we'll put it on the database and see how it develops over the next 6 to 12 months, okay?
Everything I get from my colleagues goes straight in here, so the translation of "Sparpaket" is "package of austerity measures".
Thousands of words "on probation" are stored in this database of neologisms. It's not the dictionary publishers who decide which are resurrected, but the millions of people who speak the language.
The reference was supplied by our department head. The term was used repeatedly on the news, for example on the TV news on September 2, 1996.
After he's caught his words, Wolfgang Worsch has to assemble them. In his study in Munich, he's putting together a new dictionary. It takes him three to five months to produce a tourist dictionary with about 18,000 words and phrases. A large dictionary with over 100,000 entries would take a lexicographer several years.
He does the typesetting for the dictionary himself, on the computer.
Today's buzzword might well be forgotten by tomorrow, so it's only of passing interest to lexicographers.
A social development creates a certain social awareness, which finds expression in the language. Only when this awareness is or has been created, awareness of the environment for example, can certain expressions become established within certain languages.
We can't make a claim to be prescriptive and tell people how to speak. We can give certain warnings and advise against using a certain word in certain languages. But in spite of repeated demands from various sides, we can't simply omit certain words, because these words, taboo words, do exist. So it's the lexicographer's job to describe them.
One example is the contemptuous, insulting English term for people of color: Niger. It certainly wouldn't be included in smaller dictionaries. In larger ones, you'd add the explicit comment that it represents a serious insult and should definitely be avoided – that it's actually racist.
Here is a software company in a Munich suburb. This is where some of Langenscheidt's products for the electronic media are created. On the computer, the good, old dictionary puts on a multimedia, interactive face and even overlooks mistakes. In other words, the computer dictionary offers a few extra features.
An example: Let's say we want to know more about the English word '"cockroach". After only the first five letters, the program guesses what we're looking for and opens a little window with a definition of the insect. In addition to the familiar phonetic spelling with its odd-looking letters, you can also let your computer read out the correct pronunciation, provided it's suitably equipped.
We could also have looked at a picture of a cockroach. Short video sequences make the language course more entertaining. You can follow the text next to the picture, and if there's something you didn't understand, you can play it again and again.
Even if the user isn't quite sure of how to spell a term, there's still a chance of finding it. Germany has just introduced a spelling reform, so that's an advantage. We decide to look for the German word "Rhythmus", spelling it as it's pronounced, an acceptable alternative under the new rules. This produces a handful of more or less similar words from which you can select the right one. There's been a major debate in Germany about the pros and cons of the spelling reform, but certainly it has provided plenty of work for Langenscheidt.
It won't just be on CD ROM. The tendency will be to process the content for the various media. Take a language course as an examp1e. It could be produced as a book, as a CD ROM and of course as an on-line program, possibly with a supporting television program, in order to make the huge development costs affordable on the one hand, but also to offer students something which helps them to remember things more effectively by seeing, hearing and reading.
The mighty Watzmann peak towers above Langenscheidt's largest printing works. At the time, after the Second World War, the company could hardly have chosen a more idyllic location than this one in the Bavarian Alps.
Here in Berchtesgaden, the dictionaries are printed on rotary presses -- several million a year.
In the bookbindery, they are wrapped in the characteristic yellow cover with the blue L. In spite of the growing competition from electronic media, nothing will replace the dictionary for a long time to come.
There is one last examination as the books come hot off the press, and off they go -- perhaps including words like "nasal strip" and "austerity package" -- unless they're fated to disappear from the language within a few short months.

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