The Nuremberg Toy Museum
They say the people of Nuremberg always made the little things. Under the shadow of the emperor’s palace, they churned out such objects as the cramped workshops of the old town had room for. They caved buttons, lathed screws and fried up the world’s smallest sausages in the one-time free, imperial city of Nuremberg.
The business with the toys just happened on the side. There was the wood carver who, when he was finished with his figures of saints, whittled a head for Punch, or the tinsmith who, when the day’s work was done, made a top for his children.
In time, the toys got more sophisticated and fancy. They became a key industry for Nuremberg. It was no longer the simple craftsmen in the alleyways of the old town, but huge factories that produced toys and exported them to all corners of the globe. The toy-makers’ imagination knew no bounds.
Old Nurmberg toys have gotten to be valuable. What was once meant for a child’s hands now handled with kid gloves. What used to get thrown into a corner of the nursey now sits under glass. One of the finest toy museums in the word is in Nuremberg.
The muserum has its beginning in a private collection, started back in the 20’s by Paul and Lydia Bayer. That was at a time when hardly anyone had even thought about collecting toys. With incredible gusto, this family put together a collection which today is without parallel.
Over 200,000 children and adults visit the museum annually. Though it has some ancient exhibits, like the bronze dice, or exotica, such as a puppet from from Peru, most of the playthings are of domestic production.
This double-decker carousel is from 1910. It was custom made for grandmother who knew the real thingsfrom her childhood days at the Furth church fair. Just like the original, it can be disassembled and has an organ built in.
Sometimes, the collection grew in strange ways. One day, a lady came to the toy muserum’s director looking for a new home for an old friend.
She got it as a girl if eight in 1933, and sixty years later, on her 68th birthday, you might say on the sixieth anniversary of the friendship between woman and teddy bear, she brought it to the museum and gave it to us.
She had no children of her own and wanted to ensure a peaceful and lasting resting place for her teddy bear.
For our part, we’re very thankful there’s always people willing to trust with the treasures from their childhood.
By the mid 19th century, the traveling salesmen could no longer fit all the doolls, construction kits, tin figures, balls, toy shops, and crafts sets into their coaches, let alone carry them in their backs. So the toy-makers started printing catalogues, not a few of which are preserved in the toy museum. This way, the traders could carry the whole range of merchandise in colorful and elaborately laid out samples books, so the customers could take their pick of Nuremberg’s abundant production of toys.
With the advent of mass production, many toys became affordable for poor families, too. Others, such as doll houses, remained out of reach as luxury items. From these doll house developed doll furniture and especially the doll kitchen, since quite obviously, little girls who were supposed to be prepared for their future lives as ladies of the house played with the kitchen, in particular, quite a lot and quite well. Then the Nuremberg craftsmen came up with the idea of removing the kitchen from the ensemble and modeling it very exactly after the life-size originals.

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