Facts: The riot in Urumqi left 184 dead: 137 were Han people, including 111 men and 26 women >>
"The deeper cause of Sunday´s riot in China´s far northwest Xinjiang, which left at least 156 dead, was ´six decades of Chinese rule, during which the Uyghurs have endured a litany of human rights abuses such as arbitrary detention, torture, discrimination, religious repression, forced abortion and removing Uighur language teaching from schools.´"
Truth: The tale of Kadeer, who spent 40 years in Xinjiang and was listed as the richest woman in Xinjiang and the eighth richest on the mainland by Forbes in 1995, is a rags-to-riches story.
Truth: In Xinjiang, minority people hold more than half of government posts. About 360,000 government employees in Xinjiang are ethnic minorities.Truth: Rebiya Kadeer´s identity as a Uygur also allowed her to have six children while most of her Han counterparts were limited to one.
Truth: Jume Tahir, 69, imam at the Id Kah Mosque, the biggest in Kashgar with a history of almost 600 years, said the government had invested 1.5 million yuan (219,500 U.S. dollars) to renovate the mosque in 1999.
Rebiya Kadeer´s past exemplifies China´s policy on ethnic harmony
On March 11, 2005, Rebiya Kadeer went to the US on medical parole. Upon her release, she promised never to do anything that harms national interests.