
03-13-2009 11:20

Foreign organizations have also given their attentions on China's on-going NPC and CPPCC sessions, as well as on Chinese economy. They have all put high importance of Chinese economy in the world during the financial crisis.

Foreign organizations have also given their attentions on  China's on-going NPC and CPPCC sessions, as well as on Chinese economy. They have all put high importance of Chinese economy in the world during the financial crisis.
Foreign organizations have also given their attentions on  
China's on-going NPC and CPPCC sessions, as well as on
Chinese economy.

Severino Cabral, director of China and Asia-Pacific Institute, Brazil, says, " China's annual session of NPC and CPPCC have always attracted the world's attention. Especial this year, economic crisis has been a chanllenge to the world, but China is regarded as a light in the dark. Despite many difficulties, China's economy will maintain its growth. From the information released by the sessions, China's economy is expected to gradually recover and sustain the hit. It will maintain annual growth rate of 8 percent. It will play an important role in helping the world recover."


Editor:Qin Yongjing