Source: Xinhuanet
07-16-2007 17:36
LOS ANGELES, July 15 (Xinhua) -- The Chinese special envoy, Assistant Foreign Minister He Yafei, on Sunday traveled to Guam and visited the Chinese sailors who were rescued after a Panama-registered cargo ship with 22 Chinese on board sank off the island.
He, who was on his way to the Federated States of Micronesia for a visit, conveyed to the survivors sincere sympathies from Chinese President Hu Jintao, Premier Wen Jiabao and Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi.
The Chinese sailors all expressed the hope that they would be able to go home soon after they recovered.
The crew members had medical check-ups at local hospitals and also made phone calls to their families, according to the Chinese Consulate officials.
The cargo ship sank Tuesday more than 600 km northwest of Guam due to storms brought by Typhoon Man-yi. The Chinese Consulate officials said that 13 crew members were rescued, three died and six were still missing.
The Chinese-flagged bulk log carrier, owned by Fuzhou Haijing Shipping, was on route from Papua New Guinea to China when the cargo began shifting as the vessel encountered 70 mph winds and 24-foot waves.
The Chinese consulates said they will keep close contact with the U.S. Coast Guard and coordinate closely with U.S. rescue agencies in the search for the six missing sailors.
U.S. officials have pledged full support in the search and rescue mission. They have also promised to identify the three victims in the shortest possible time.
Editor:Chen Ge