Source: PLA Daily

07-25-2007 18:34

On July 19, 60 students attending the 4th training course for leading cadres of the Armed Police Force at army and division levels wrapped up their six-month's systematic study in the Advanced Studies Department of the National Defense University (NDU). Starting from September 2005, the Armed Police Force has, supported by the NDU, trained 200 leading cadres at army and division levels.

Two years ago, upon the approval of the Central Military Commission and the general headquarters/departments of the PLA, the Armed Police Force headquarter signed an agreement with the NDU to request the NDU to provide systematic and standardized training to leading cadres of the Armed Police Force and the public security active-service units at army and division levels. The NDU has prepared the curricula in light of the characteristics of the Armed Police Force and successively offered 8 required courses including military hi-tech and the revolution in military affairs with Chinese features, strategy, joint operations, political work in the army, duty service of the Armed Police Force, study on how to respond to emergencies and anti-terrorism operations, and several optional courses, such as art of leadership and information knowledge, etc. Besides, the NDU has also organized students to attend academic lectures, go out for visit and study and carry out exchanges with their foreign counterparts, and through which students' capabilities in political leadership, strategic thinking, and organizing and directing operations have been effectively raised.


Editor:Chen Ge