ARATS Chairman Chen Yunlin visits Taiwan


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Chen Yunlin´s trip schedule
November 3rd
Morning: Depart from Beijing
Noon: Arrive in Taiwan

November 4th
Morning: Talks between leaders of SEF and ARATS
Afternoon: SEF, ARATS sign agreements

November 4th-5th
Chen Yunlin meets major political leaders in Taiwan, including KMT Chairman Wu Poh-siung.

November 6th
A ceremony is held, in which the mainland presents a pair of giant pandas and a rare plant to Taiwan compatriots. Taiwan will present rare animals in return.

November 7th
Mainland delegation returns to Beijing on a weekend charter flight.


Russian Foreign Ministry
The success of the recent talks will help strengthen peace and security in the Taiwan Strait region.

EU welcomes new agreements
"A significant positive step toward finding pragmatic solutions that benefit people on both sides of the Straits."

Washington Post
Chen Yunlin's Taiwan visit has enormous political significance and Chen is the highest-ranking Chinese official to visit Taiwan since 1949.

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