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  Experiencing Oxford 


央视国际  2006年11月02日 10:08 来源:

   Just as it is described in the articles “There is No Weather in Britain”, it changes just like a woman’s heart and you’ll never know what is going to be in the next hour, rainy or cloudy, sunny or windy. Unsurprisingly, we arrived in a cold drizzly day though it is expected to be in the summer time.

The first impression Oxford gave me was that it was like a fairytale town we have read in our childhood, in which prince and princess lived, but not a university. Or in another word, a town you can find in Jane Eyre. It seemed everything here was from the 19th century, but still it mixed quite well and harmoniously with classicality.


Here, I want to sincerely express the gratitude to the English speaking competition which provided us the opportunity to go to the hometown of English and to join the International Relations Conference at Oriel College in Oxford.

There are thirty five delegates representing twenty five countries and areas respectively all through the five days session, discussing the topics concerning a wide range of issues in Britain and all around the world, such as British culture, education, legal system, parliament as well as its parties; development of world economy; enlargement of EU, peace keeping and peace enforcing and of course terrorism. Scholars from various fields gave us all the excellent presentations on all the topics above which are full of thoughts and fresh ideas from different perspectives.

But the most inspirational part of the meeting was the heating debates about the motions between the speakers and the delegates, sometimes even among the delegates themselves. From different countries, with different cultural backgrounds, all the delegates naturally viewed the world from their own viewpoints and even had contrary ideas on the same problem. For us, it was a valuable experience to share such kind of diversities.

Interestingly, China was the country that had been mentioned very frequently in the conference, especially concerning the issues of the world economy. You would never know how proud we were to be the delegates of China. While we can’t deny there are still a lot of misunderstandings about China --- we had to explain the truth from time to time in the meeting --- and we still have a lot to improve, but the significant role of China in the world affairs will never be ignored.

This is the very wonderful experience we had in Oxford, one of the oldest and leading Universities in the world. When I was about to leave, what resounded in my mind was my respect for it.



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