In the wake of the earthquake that hit the Abruzzo region and Italy on 6 April and the decision to move the Summit initially planned in the Maddalena Archipelago to L'Aquila as a concrete token of consideration and support for the communities concerned, the matter of the logo arose. To change it or not to change it? The most obvious, and at the same time most meaningful option that emerged was to leave it unchanged, with the exception of the wording, which has been amended to: "G8 Summit 2009 - From La Maddalena to L'Aquila".
The turtles, long-lived, ancient creatures that call on politics to trust in wisdom, remain as a reminder of this G8's "migrant" nature, of the unforeseeability of the Abruzzo earthquake and of the decision to turn La Maddalena and the work that will shortly be completed there to the best advantage. Their dance also continues to symbolise energy, grace, harmony and sharing: qualities that intertwine with the outline of a stylised globe that calls to mind both the nature of the event and also the increasingly pressing need we all have to focus the world's attention on the planet, the ecosystem, public health, disaster prevention, establishing a new harmony with the environment and natural balances.
The new logo thus tells us that the G8 is moving to L'Aquila, the city that stands for calamity-stricken Abruzzo, not only as a mark of consideration, sympathy and support for its places and people, but to highlight even more strongly the all-embracing nature of this summit and its aspiration to foster unity and to extend harmony and cooperation among the governments and peoples.
Editor: Du Xiaodan | Source: