Source: Xinhuanet
07-20-2007 16:17
ZAGREB, May 22 (Xinhua) -- China has won the bid to host the table tennis World Veteran Championships in 2010, it was announced here on Tuesday.
Hohhot of Inner Mongolia in northern China staved off strong bids from Stockholm of Sweden, Nice of France and Rotarua of New Zealand, enabling China to host the event for the first time.
Hohhot was awarded the event following the meeting of the Swaythling Club International at the Liebherr World Championships in Zagreb on Monday.
"It was a very even race between Sweden and China," said Hans Westling, chairman of the World Veteran Championships Committee. "We will give Sweden the option to bid for 2012, their bid was impressive."
The hosting of the event in Hohhot will be the 14th since the first was in May 1982 in Stockholm.
"Hohhot's bid was very strong; one hundred and sixty table in a new sports hall; not an exhibition center, such venues can present problems," said Westling.
"Three halls will be used all under the same roof, each with a wooden floor, the venue sounds tremendous."
The last World Veteran Championships was held in Bremen of Germany in 2006. The next event will be staged in Rio de Janeiro in 2008.
Editor:Chen Ge