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Smiling traffic policewoman becomes a celebrity on the internet

2009-09-23 16:22 BJT

Every day, Hu is on duty on the Kuanxiangzi intersection. Her tender yet strict way of law enforcement has drawn wide attention and many people have become her fans.

When dusk fell, a traffic policewoman stood on the Kuanxiangzi intersection, beside an Alto car. She saluted again and again, with a smile on her face. In half an hour, she saluted 13 times until finally the driver was willing to produce his driving license! When the 30 minute footage was made public yesterday by a netizen, the policewoman has become a hot topic and some netizens have even called her a "soft weapon."

Smiling traffic policewoman becomes an on-line celebrity
Smiling traffic policewoman becomes a celebrity on the internet

Reporters finally found Hu, a female traffic police officer from the Third Squadron of the Fourth Branch of the Traffic Administration Bureau of Chengdu City. There are many attractive stories about Hu and even some military officers admire her.

She saluted 13 times in half an hour

The female traffic police officer previously stood on a crossroad near the Aolin Stadium and she smiled a lot every day. However, she is very strict with drivers who violate traffic rules. When she catches such a driver, she will not hesitate to resort to punishment. Some people call her a "soft weapon."

In the afternoon of September 21, a video entitled "a Chengdu female traffic police officer enforces the law in a tender way and the driver finally accepts punishment after a half hour of confrontation" appeared on the web. The footage shows that a female traffic police officer stopped an Alto car, and in about 20 minutes, she saluted again and again, with a smile on her face, in an attempt to persuade the driver to accept the punishment. Though the female traffic police officer saluted 13 times, the driver still refused to get out of his car.