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Beautiful girl becomes a "dorm auntie"

2009-11-09 15:23 BJT

A beautiful girl is willing to be a "dorm supervisor".

Students living in the Jingsi Garden dorm building at the SUFE recently discovered that Internet slang words such as "fabulous" often appeared in messages left by the dorm supervisor, and the pictures on the black board in front of the dorm building were no longer flowers and red flags, but Hello Kitty and Winnie the Pooh. "Has our dorm supervisor become younger?" The puzzled students soon found the answer: Jingsi Garden has employed a female dorm supervisor who just graduated from university this year. "The 'dorm supervisor sister' just graduated from Donghua University, majoring in fashion marketing. She chatted with me about make-up and matching clothes yesterday." Soon, the information that the dorm had got a young female supervisor spread across Jingsi Garden.

Beautiful girl becomes a "dorm auntie"
Beautiful girl becomes a "dorm auntie"

【Reason for Choosing the Job】 Loving campus atmosphere and hating office conflicts

The name of the girl known as the "dorm supervisor sister" is Xue Wenjing, and she is 22 years old. Xue is a peaceful girl with a soft voice. Wearing long hair and a pair of NEO contact lenses, she looks more like a student. "I thought that the work in a university was relatively steady, and I could learn more there, so I decided to take this job. Being a university dorm supervisor is my first step in the society. In fact, one can learn a lot of things while communicating with the students, and with the help of other dorm supervisors, I have already learned a lot." Xue told reporter that she studied fashion marketing in university, and she chose this job even though it has nothing to do with what she studied because she likes the working environment of a university. "I once worked in a foreign enterprise for a month, but the complex interpersonal relationships made my head ache. The targets of this university job are students, so I think it will be easy for me to start it."

Talking about her original choice, Xue told the reporter that although her parents supported her decision, her classmates all objected to it. "What you have learned in the four years will become completely useless." Xue certainly carefully considered her classmates' advice, but after taking her character and interests into the consideration, Xue still took the dorm supervisor job. Now, facing her classmates who have entered foreign companies, 22-year-old Xue said frankly that she indeed envies them sometimes. "For example, when I go out with my classmates after work, they chat about shop window design and similar things. I can't contribute to these conversations because I am now far away from that kind of life. Moreover, my classmates all colored their hair and nails, which look beautiful, but I can't do that because dorm supervisors are not allowed to color their hair or nails. Every day I wear a blue uniform, just like the uniforms other dorm supervisors wear."