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Xia Zhenzhen: it's her third time to the Indian Ocean

2010-01-26 16:28 BJT

Soon after the ship departed on her first time to the Indian Ocean, she became seasick and vomited quite a bit. The excitement that had built up about long distance sailing instantly went away. She spent that year's Spring Festival on the Indian Ocean. At that time, the ship was not equipped with phones for the soldiers to make calls to their family. She was extremely homesick, but she could only send her well-wishes to family and friends through her heart. Fortunately, there was an elder female soldier leading the medical team, who often went into the soldier's compartments to render medical treatment and communicate with the soldiers. She would often go to the kitchen to cook food with soldiers from kitchen unit. One month elapsed without being noticed. There Xia Zhenzhen became a CPC member on the front line.

She went to Indian Ocean for the second time at the end of 2006, and was charged with the same responsibility. As usual, she went to every compartment to provide medical treatment. She became familiar with every compartment and became acquainted with the soldiers. She would call every soldier "squad leader," despite the fact that some soldiers were junior to her. This time, she was awarded the third class merit citation.

Solders in Qiandao Lake Fleet accepted Xia Zhenzhen as a fleet member. According to them, Zhenzhen was the daughter of the fleet. She was quite willing to be addressed in this way because the fleet represented a lot of her past glories as well as her dreams.

She arrived at sea again. However, her mission this time was to take part in actual combat, unlike the previous two experiences. As a medical worker, she may be confronted with many unexpected situations, even in the cost of her blood and her life. When she was standing on the deck, she felt unprecedented sense of sacredness. Before departure, she was sent to local hospital to learn from the army, which mainly involved training conducting operations. She made good use of this time to learn from the experts in order to lay a good foundation in medical care for the future. On deck, due to limited accommodations, her bed was on the treatment table, but she did not care. Instead, she said jokingly that after the mission, she would go back and make an advertisement: the more you sleep on the treatment table, the healthier you are.

The Escort Convoy's comprehensive medical treatment center was set on the Qiandao Lake. Xia Zhenzhen was confronted with several cases that demanded an operation, and the patents were transferred by helicopter from the two escort fleets. They tried their best with care treatment to ensure the safety of the soldiers. Once, a patient who had been hit by heavy object was taken there from Xuzhou Fleet. There was a large amount of fluid in his chest and he was in danger. The doctors performed closed thoracic drainage on him. In the sea, the wounds would easily get infected, which may have threatened his life. Those days coincided with storms. But Xia Zhenzhen surmounted her sea sickness and still did her work meticulously, such as taking temperature, disinfection, medical prescription changing and transfusion. She would talk with soldiers to ease their nervousness. Under her care, the wounded soldier recovered one week later. As the solider was leaving, he gave her several pieces of chocolate, which he preserved as a present to her as present.

In 2006, Xia Zhenzhen took another enrollment test for military institutions, but she failed. Currently, she has already surpassed the age limit for the enrollment, which means that she may never realize her dream of studying at a military institution. She has no regrets, however. During her short period in military, she achieved many dreams, which many predecessors could not reach, and her military life was splendid. Three adventures into Indian Ocean constitute a big fortune that she will be proud of for a lifetime.


Editor: Shi Taoyang | Source: