2010 NPC and CPPCC Sessions Special Report

The 2010 NPC and CPPCC sessions officially kick off on March 3. What are your top concerns this year? What are your views on these issues?

CCTV-9 wants your opinion on NPC & CPPCC sessions! The results will be discussed on air! >>

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  • 1Jinbiao
    I just want to talk about the price of the house. I am an employee of the foreign company in Zhejiang Province. My wife and I just plan to buy a property this year, and we want to wait and see the situation of it. But it seems the price of the property still raising. I don´t understand, we are poor, and most of people in China are poor, we can not afford such expensive property. As I know, this topic was very hot during this sessions, but who will restrain it. And, who will be relied on for the poor of China? It´s A question.
  • 2Dr. Roberto Carlos
    I would like to congratulate the People´s Republic of China for its NPC and CPPCC Session.
  • 3yun
    housing price,housing price and also housing price.........
  • 4Demi
    of course the soaring housing price especially in Shanghai. Also income of ordinary people
  • 5Claire
    One things i would most concern is that the corruption around the country. Corruption contributes important part to the unfairness of oppotunities.
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