
04-17-2009 15:05

In the center of Taiwan Island, Jade Mountain extends to the west of the Central Mountain. It runs approximately north-south for about 280 km (about 174 miles). Most peaks of Jade Mountain are over 2000 meters (about 6500 feet) high, so Jade Mountain has gained the name 'Roof of Taiwan'. In 1985, Jade Mountain National Park, which has Jade Mountain at the center, was opened to the public.

Jade Mountain consists of 11 peaks, including Jade Peak, South Peak, North Peak, and East Peak.

Jade Peak is the main peak of Jade Mountain. With an elevation of nearly 4000 meters (about 13,000 feet), it is not only the highest peak in Taiwan, but also the highest one in eastern China. In the winter, Jade Peak is often capped with thick snow which makes the entire peak shine like stainless jade, hence its name. At the top of Jade Peak, one can overlook the Taiwan Strait and the Pacific Ocean. Owing to its height and steepness, Jade Peak is recognized as the most prominent of Taiwan's 'Ten Peaks'.

One can climb the mountain on foot or drive a car to enjoy the landscape along the road. Any season of the year is fine to visit the mountain except at some times in the winter when roads are covered by snow. At this time it is too treacherous for climbers or cars.

One should also be well equipped before the climbing. Prepare clothes to resist the cold on top of the mountain and take medicine for mountain sickness. If one has any intention of rock climbing, ropes and hooks must be prepared. If it is possible, climbing with an experienced guide is a better choice. Before climbing the mountain, one must apply for permission. Make your visit an environmentally friendly one too.


Editor:Zhao Yanchen