CCTV-9 wants your opinion on NPC & CPPCC sessions! The results will be discussed on air! What are your views on these issues? Comment here...
Do you know what NPC and CPPCC stand for in China?
Yes No
Will the annual sessions of NPC and CPPCC help promote transparency about China’s growth?
Yes No Somewhat Don’t know
Which issue deserves most serious attention?
Social security and employment Anti-corruption Healthcare reform Education Income gap Environmental protection Political reform National defense Cross-Strait ties Financial crisis
What do you think of China’s stimulus package?
Very good Good Average Bad Very bad
Do you believe that RMB’s appreciation will help redress the global trade balance?
Should world reserve currency be diversified?
Which do you tick to characterize the current global economy?
V shape L shape W shape WWW shape
How important is China’s growth for the global recovery?
Very important Important Not so important
What do you think should be China’s position in honoring overseas commitments?
Comply with Western demands Respect UN mandates Take side with Emerging markets Other
Which of the following global issues need China’s participation most badly and will not work without it?
Climate change Economic recovery Weapon of mass destruction Trade imbalance Exchange regime Human rights Poverty alleviation Peace-keeping Nuke Disarmament
Which of the following is most important for the image of China?
Soft Power Military power Economic power
Do you agree to the G-2 notion?
Do you agree that G-20 will help replace G-8 and even prove more useful than the UN in tackling global issues?
Do you agree that Asia-Pacific Region will surpass the EU and become the most dynamic region five years from now?