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央视国际 2004年08月16日 14:15


  举重:女子58公斤级A组决赛 23:20 CCTV—5


  Swimming 游泳

  Synchronized Swimming 花样游泳

  against the current 逆流

  assignment to lanes 指定泳道

  alternate breathing 换气

  artistic score 艺术得分

  back crawl 仰泳

  back stroke 仰泳

  basin 游泳池

  bathing costume 游泳衣

  bathing slips 游泳裤

  breaststroke 蛙泳

  breast/back mixed 蛙、仰混合泳

  buoy 浮标,救生圈

  butterfly 蝶泳

  butterfly stroke 蝶泳

  century 百米游泳比赛

  cork hoop 救生圈

  course line 泳道标志线

  cramp 抽筋

  cross-over leg movement 交叉打腿

  fin swimming 蹼泳

  flippers 脚蹼

  free relay 自由泳接力

  frog stroke 蛙泳

  goggles 护目镜

  kick 蹬水;打水;踢水

  lap 趟

  long course 大池/长池

  medley relay 混合式接力

  nose clips 鼻夹

  polar bear 冬泳者

  swim lane 泳道

  synchronized swimming 花样游泳

  underwater swimming 潜泳

  accordance 一致性

  back layout 仰卧展体

  bent knee position 屈膝姿势

  closing leg 并腿

  descending rotation 下旋动作

  duets 双人项目比赛

  figure and parts 造型和衔接

  immerse 入水;沉入水中

  laboured breathing 憋气

  water movements 水下动作



  Swimming is the action of supporting your body in water and propelling it forward by the movement of the arms and legs.

  Swimming was an important activity in ancient Greece and Rome where it was mainly used in training soldiers. For most people nowadays swimming is a recreation practiced in the sea or in indoor and outdoor swimming pools.

  Swimming competitions take place in eight-lane Olympic pools. An Olympic pool is fifty metres long. In all events except the backstroke, swimmers start with a dive from starting blocks. There are individual races for men and women in the following events: freestyle, butterfly, backstroke, stroke and individual med-ley. There are also team events in the medley relay and the free style relay.

  Modern competitive swimming began in the nineteenth century. The oldest national swimming body was founded in London in 1869. It later became the ASA (Amateur Swimming Association). In 1908 the Federation International de Notation Amateur (FINA) was founded. Swimming requires speed, strength, stamina, suppleness and coordination. Dominant nations in world swimming include the USA, Germany and Australia.

  游 泳






  Weightlifting 举重

  abdominal curl 仰卧起坐

  arm girth 臂围

  back squat 后深蹲

  barbell 杠铃

  bench press 卧推

  bodyweight classes 按体重分级

  broad grip 宽握

  clean 提铃至胸

  clean and jerk 挺举

  chalk up one’s hands 摸粉

  clean and press 推举

  colophong powder 松香粉

  dead lift 硬举

  deep-knee-bend 深蹲

  explosive power 爆发力

  failed lift 试举失败

  gender test 性别检查

  Hercules 大力士

  intake 吸气

  knee-pad 护膝

  leather wrist strap 皮护腕

  lifter 举重运动员

  loader 加重员

  jerk from the rack 架上挺

  jerk press 借力推

  push up 俯卧撑

  power clean 高翻

  power snatch 高抓

  snatch 抓举

  starting weight 起始重量

  suspend breathing 闭气



  Weightlifting is the sport of lifting the heaviest weight possible. Heavy metal discs are attached to a barbell. The object is to lift the bar above head height with the arms locked out and both feet in line.

  Competitions take place on a platform usually six metres long and four metres wide. A lifter has two minutes to begin his lift. He is allowed three attempts to perform a good lift at each weight. There are two main styles of lift: the snatch and the clean and jerk. Lifters are divided into body-weight categories, ranging from flyweight to super heavyweight.

  Weightlifting is an ancient sport. It was included in the first modern Olympics at Athens in 1896. In 1920 the International Weightlifting Federation was founded.

  Dominant nations in world weightlifting include China, Russia, and East European countries. Weightlifters require great strength, stamina, flexibility, balance, coordination and determination.

  举 重




(编辑:晓辛 来源:)
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