央视国际 2004年08月18日 17:07
体操男子个人全能决赛 19日凌晨 01:20 CCTV—5
Archery 射箭
archery range 射箭场
arrow 箭
bow 弓
buttress 箭靶
creep 放箭犹豫
draw 拉弓,开弓
field archery 多位多靶射箭
hit 中靶
point of impact on target 中靶点
zone 环
Archery is the art of shooting arrows from a bow with the object of hitting a target. In international competitions, it is both an individual sport and a team sport. Bows are made out of plastic, steel, fiberglass, and laminated wood. The art of archery is called toxophily. The archer is called the toxophilist.
The most popular kinds of archery are target archery and field-archery. In target archery, the target is painted with five colored scoring rings——from white on the outside through black, blue, and red to gold on the inside. The gold is called the bull. Points range from one for the outer white to ten for the bull. The archer shoots at the target from distances of thirty metres up to ninety metres.
The bow and arrow were originally used for hunting or as weapons of war. Archery is now regarded as a recreational activity. Archery was included in the first modern Olympics at Athens in 1896. After 1920, it was omitted from the Olympic Games, but it was reintroduced at Munich in 1972. In 1931 the International Archery Federation was founded. In the same year, the first World Archery Championships were held.
Dominant nations in world archery include the USA, Russia, and Korea. Archery requires balance, concentration, coordination, and a sense of timing.
射 箭
最流行射箭项目是室外和野外射箭比赛。室外射箭比赛的箭靶涂有五个彩色得分环。从外向内,由白色,黑色,蓝色,红色,靶心是金色构成。金色靶心叫 “黄心”。 记分方法是:射中外面的白色环得一分——直到(射中)黄心得10分。射箭手与靶的距离为30米至90米。
Gymnastics 体操
Rhythmic Sportive Gymnastics 艺术体操
air spring 空翻
apparatus exercise 器械体操
asymmetrical bars 高低杠
artistic gymnastics 艺术体操
rhythmic sportive gymnastics 艺术体操
competitive rhythmic gymnastics 艺术体操
back flip 后空翻
ball 球
balance beam 平衡木
body bent 屈体
buck 鞍马
build up 动作编排
chin 引体向上
club(s) 棒,俱乐部
compulsories 规定动作
compulsory 规定动作,强迫的
elegance 优美
extended arm 直臂
final position 结束姿势
flip-flop 后手翻
flic-flac 后手翻
floor exercise 自由体操
giant 大回环
giant swings 大回环
guard grips 四指孔护掌
gymnast 体操运动员
hoop 圈
horizontal bar 单杠
maximum score 满分
optional exercise 自选动作
kip 屈身上,屈伸起
parallels 双杠
parallelbar 双杠
pike position 屈体(弓背,直腿,身体在腰部折成V形)
planche 水平支撑
pommel horse 鞍马
press handstand 慢起手倒立
ribbon 带(绶带,饰带)
ring 吊环
rope 绳
salto 空翻
starting score 起评分
superior difficulty 高难度
thigh circle 挂大腿回环
trampoline 绷床
tsukahara (跳马)原跳(跳起侧手翻内转90°接后空翻成站立)
undergrip 反握
uneven bars 高低杠
vault 跳马,跳跃
voluntary 自选动作,志愿的
wobble a little 身体晃了一下
Gymnastics is a system of physical exercises practiced in competition as a sport and also to promote physical development by training the body. Gymnastics requires men and women to demonstrate strength, balance, body control and grace on floor exercises as well as on pieces of equipment.
Floor exercises are performed on a mat twelve metres square. There are compulsory and voluntary exercises in every event. Apparatus or pieces of equipment include the vault, beam and asymmetrical bars for women; and the vault, pommel horse, horizontal bar, parallel bars and rings for men..
Gymnastics is derived from the Greek word “gymnasium” which means “a place for exercising naked”. In ancient Greece, all cities had gymnasiums. Physical education was an important part of Greek education.
A German soldier called Jahn is regarded as the father of modern gymnastics. He invented several pieces of equipment including the parallel bars, the horizontal bar and the rings. At first, strength was most important. Then rhythm and fluency of movement were introduced as in the floor exercises.
The International Federation of Gymnastics was founded in 1881. Gymnastics was included in the first modern Olympics in 1896. Dominant nations in world gymnastics are China, Russia, Japan the United States and Eastern European countries.
体 操
Rhythmic Sportive Gymnastics
Rhythmic sportive gymnastics is a sport for women containing elements of the floor exercise with the added skill of pieces of hand apparatus. The five pieces of apparatus are the rope, hoop, ball, clubs, and ribbon. They must be used like an extension of the gymnast’s body and should harmonize with the rhythm of her body’s movement and expression.
Competitions take place on a carpet floor area twelve metres square. Exercises include the team all-around competition, the individual all-around competition and the finals by apparatus individual competition. There is also the group all-around comp-etition and the group exercises final competition.
The International Gymnastics Federation was founded in 1881. Gymnastics was included in the first modern Olympics at Athens in 1896. But events for women were only introduced in 1928. Rhythmic sportive gymnastics is a modern form of gymnastics and became an Olympic event at Los Angeles in 1984.
Rhythmic sportive gymnastics requires agility and flexibility, balance and coordination, grace and poise, dexterity, expression and a sense of rhythm.
艺 术 体 操