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江和平 男,1963年1月出生,硕士研究生,中共党员,现任中央电视台体育中心副主任(主持工作),高级编辑。
2001年10月,在APEC非正式领导人会议在上海举行期间,创办为大会提供服务的APEC专用英语频道,受到国务院副总理钱其琛的表扬。APEC 2001年会议中国筹委会秘书处给中央电视台发来的感谢信中说:“APEC英语频道节目时效快、导向正、内容充实、形式丰富、制作精良,受到与会经济体代表和记者的一致好评,为顺利完成会议新闻工作作出了积极贡献”。
在担任海外中心副主任兼英语频道总监期间,对英语频道进行数次重大改版,海外观众反响强烈,英语频道海外用户突破4000万。2004年,参与由17套电视节目组成的“长城(北美)卫星电视平台”的开播工作;组织创办了面向西班牙语和法语观众的西法语频道(CCTV E&F)。
Mr. Jiang Heping was born in Anhui Province on January 7, 1963. Fresh from Shanghai Fereign Languages Institute, he was assigned to China Central Television as a copy editor of world news as a copy editor. In 1990 he became the deputy head of the world news section and three years later he was promoted to section chief. Another three years and he became the deputy director of the news editorial department and won a scholarship to study an MA in International Journalism at Cardiff University – funded by the British Government. Upon his graduation from Cardiff University, he was promoted to be director of the English News Department in 1998. He was one of the architects of CCTV-9, of which he was appointed deputy controller in 2000. In 2003, he was appointed as deputy director general of CCTV’s Overseas Service and concurrently controller of CCTV-9. Since June, 2005, he has been managing director of CCTV Sports Center.