TV Guide > Chinese Programs

China's 100 Major Archaeological Discoveries in Last Century

THU SEP 06 16:24

This show follows on from the success of CCTV's live broadcasting of the Han Dynasty Tomb at Laoshan, Beijing, which aroused much public interest. As China has made many notable archaeological achievements, the Institute of Archaeology under the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences sponsored this appraisal event to take a look back at the 100 major archaeological discoveries of last century. These acclaimed achievements are also featured in the book China's 100 Major Archaeological Discoveries in 20th Century which was published in May. The associate editor of the book and vice director of the Institute of Archaeology, Mr. Bai Yunxiang, will be a guest in the September 7 show.

(trans. By Deng Ying)

Editor: Zhao Xuan

China Central Television,All Rights Reserved