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Fit for the Wild

WED NOV 14 18:24

A month ago, the mature loggerhead sea turtle left her territorial feeding grounds in the western Indian Ocean. A surge of hormones that readied her reproductive system for laying eggs triggered her departure. Four weeks later, with over 2,000 kilometers behind her, she arrived in the offshore shallows near the beaches of Kosi Bay, and mated. Now, on the early summer October evening, she comes ashore to nest...

Chimps live in communities of up to eighty members. Each day small parties band together to search for food. They maintain a loosely organized social structure. Members wander off to forage on their own or join others. They vary their social routine much the way humans do in the course of a day...

Thousands of fish species live on feed and breed on the reefs. One of the largest is the potato bass. He leads a fairly simple life. He stakes a claim and presides over his territory, searching for food and maintaining peace among his harem of females...

(CCTV-2, Nov. 11-15)

Editor: Zhao Xuan

China Central Television,All Rights Reserved