
Studios target holiday crowd with feel-good flicks 01-29-2004 09:44

Going to the movies isn't exactly a Spring Festival tradition. But that hasn't stopped studios from releasing a raft of feel good movies to cash in on the holiday spirit. And audiences have been quick to embrace the move. After all, holidays are all about having fun. And if that means going to the movies, then that might just become part of the Spring Festival tradition too.

It's become a time of year when people are more than willing to stand in line. So why not stand in line for a ticket to the movies. There are several big releases catering to the holiday mood. And audiences say they appreciate the attention they're getting.

The audience members said, "Going to the movies wasn't such a big deal a few years ago. But these days, Chinese cinema is improving. The films are better, and they're more appealing. They bring in the blockbusters from overseas too. I really like that. Films are a team art, combining all the talent from the crew to the cast. I think it's a great way to spend some time during Spring Festival, coming here."

Director Feng Xiaogang's "Cell Phone" is stilling ringing in the cash at the box office, two months after its release. But several new movies are hot on its heels. "Goddess of Mercy" stars the mainland's favorite Zhao Wei and Hong Kong pop star Nicholas Tse. Its tender and bittersweet approach to love is sure to pluck at the heartstrings. Less demanding is the Hong Kong romantic comedy "Magic Kitchen." It has that easy appeal for anybody looking for a happy ending, and a happy start to the New Year. For children of all ages, the animated feature "Butterflies in Love" might be a good choice. It's based on China's favorite romantic tragedy, the tale of the "Butterfly Lovers". Best of all, the voices feature a host of famous pop stars from the mainland and Taiwan.

Battling it out with the domestic films are the latest offerings from Hollywood. At the front of the pack is the action flick "The Rundown." Another big release is Russell Crowe's latest effort, the adventure epic "Master and Commander," which is already being touted as an Oscar and Golden Globe favorite.

So, whatever your taste in the big screen, going to the cinema this holiday is sure to add fun to your spring festival.


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