
Top leaders join group discussions 03-10-2004 09:54

Deputies of the National People's Congress and Members of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference continued their discussions on Mar.9 in the Chinese capital. China's top leaders sat in on the panel discussions of lawmakers and advisors to listen to their comments and suggestions on major political and social issues.

Chinese President Hu Jintao joined the discussion of the Hubei delegation on Mar.9. After hearing the speeches of the delegates, Hu said to realize the goal of establishing a well-off society in an all-round way, the country should promote coordinated economic developments between regions. He said the more developed coastal areas and the poorer provinces in the western and middle parts of the country should try to develop supplementary schemes to encourage economic development. Speaking on rural development, the president said the country will continue to increase investment in agriculture and farming areas, and strive for structural improvement to the rural economy.

Top legislator Wu Bangguo participated in the discussions held by the Zhejiang delegation and shared his opinions on the draft amendment to the constitution. The revision will enshrine the important thought of the "Three Represents" and ensure the better protection of human rights and private property. Wu called on the delegates to use this as an opportunity to promote the constitution among the people, maintaining the authority of the constitution and proper law enforcement.

Other leaders also sat in on further panel discussions held on Mar.9, exchanging ideas with members from different provinces.


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