
77th Oscar ceremony kicks off 02-28-2005 15:19

In Hollywood, the curtain has come up on the 77th Oscar ceremony. The Academy Awards ceremony attracts worldwide attention by honoring Hollywood's best moviemakers and actors. Host Christ Rock opened the ceremony by spoofing nominated films inside the Kodak Theater in Los Angeles.

The movie "The Aviator" was an early big winner in the awards show. The film has already won awards for Costume Design, Art Direction and Film editing. Australian actress Cate Blanchett also won the Best Supporting Actress award for her performance as Katharine Hepburn in the Howard Hughes saga.

Another early big winner is "Million Dollar Baby". Morgan Freeman won the Best Supporting Actor award for his role in the Clint Eastwood directed film.

In other awards, "The Incredibles" got he nod for Best Animated Film. "Born into Brothels" won the Best Documentary Feature honor. And the Best Visual Effects award went to a film featuring a comic book character, Spiderman II.

Editor:Chen Zhuo

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