Construction sector targeted 02-17-2006 15:38
2006 marks the first year of China's 11th Five-year Plan for social and economic development. High on the agenda is finding ways to reduce energy and resource consumption rates in the construction sector. As Liu Ming reports, the government is stepping up efforts to improve the enforcement of laws and regulations and to advance technological research on energy-efficient buildings.
At a press conference on Thursday morning, Vice Minister of China's Construction Ministry Qiu Baoxing said that setting up a comprehensive legal framework for the development of energy-efficient buildings was an urgent task for the country.
He said: "Energy-efficient and environmentally friendly buildings are significant to the sustainable development of China, and also affect the world economy and climate change. So we need to put into effect more laws that will encourage energy-efficient buildings."
He added that the challenge of saving energy without incurring more expense will also be addressed through a series of financial measures encouraging energy-efficiency in construction. These include tax cuts, discount government loans, and financial help with upgrading wall materials.
He said: "Besides, we will also endeavor to strengthen our technology research ability and provide technical training in energy-efficiency to technicians."
Construction is the pillar industry of the Chinese economy. But the country's rapid urbanization and industrialization is resulting in huge amounts of energy and resource consumption. According to official figures, approximately two-billion-square-meters of floor area are constructed annually in China, accounting for half of that around the world.
Developing energy efficient buildings is vital, as the country faces a looming energy crisis. Some believe developers should slow down China's booming real estate sector and give more consideration to social benefits in addition to profits.
Editor:Wang Ping