Headline News


Philippines: President Arroyo visits Storm-hit areas


Source: | 12-06-2006 11:29

Philippine President Gloria Arroyo is ordering emergency officials to step up recovery efforts in the aftermath of Typhoon Durian.

She met with some of the families of the estimated 1,000 people who died in mudslides.

Arroyo shook hands with grieving relatives in the worst-hit Albay province, where entire villages disappeared under tons of mud and volcanic debris. She said all levels of government must cooperate and called on local officials to stop finger-pointing and instead focus on the relief efforts.

Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, the philippine president said,"For those who have lost their homes we are looking for a place where you can transfer. We will ask the Department of Environment and Natural Resources to study the place, to ensure it's safe from the next typhoon in case that place is hit."

Durian was the fourth typhoon to hit the Philippines in three months, and affected over 1 million people. About 20,000 have gone to evacuation centers. Officials reported 450 people were confirmed dead and 636 missing. But the head of the local Red Cross believed more than 1,000 died.

The National Disaster Coordinating Council put the damage to property and agriculture at 4.5 million US dollars.


Editor:Ji Xuewen